Friday, March 18, 2011

Hell hath no fury...

like a woman who has given birth to a 10 pound baby! (6 ounces shy of 10 pounds means nothing to me).

I feel like I should be thrown a parade or something and reserve the right to be bitter about the fact that no one is throwing me one....doesn't seem fair really.  I'm also still bitter that they forgot my breakfast in the hospital.  It's funny, I swear the nurses check your chart and when they realize that you have another kid at home, they figure you don't need anything and just leave you be...kinda nice, although I'm sure they had food stashed somewhere in one of the many fridges on the floor....i'm sure they could have given me something to eat...ANYTHING!  I'm a constant eater...seriously I eat CONSTANTLY!  So relying on people for food just sucks, to make me just a tad more bitter they forgot my breakfast, oh sure when I finally got it, I didn't eat most of it, because I dont' eat eggs and I couldn't stomach the smell of the oatmeal...but that tiny scone/bun thing was delicious...too bad it was the size of a quarter. Obviously the breakfast/food thing made an impression, I've mentioned it like three times in the same paragraph...sorry about's the hormones :)  Needless to say, I'm so thankful I am no longer pregnant, which is, to me, an unpleasent and alien experience which I plan never to do my babies though...uber cute.

Currently drinking a beer and watching a rather droll hockey game...the beer is making it worth while though...oh beer how i missed you....looking forward to my first run...probably have to wait a few more weeks...maybe I'll go for a run for my birthday...sounds like a glorious idea...we'll see if it works out, I'll keep you posted.


  1. Cyber high five on joining the 'over 9 pound' baby group! Welcome! Your parade will be arriving shortly, clowns handing out candy and all! (and wait until you check out the size of the baby shaped floats......crazy!)

  2. That's one big baby! (both my boys were about 9 1/2 pounds, and I thought they were enormous!). You're right about the hospital. You'd think they'd give you some sort of tasty, congratulatory meal, wouldn't you, after successfully birthing a baby?

    Still sick, or else I'd have been by to visit by now. Sometime in the next few weeks, I hope!
