Saturday, April 3, 2010

If I'm the boss of come you're always telling me what to do?

I got the idea to start a blog from a lovely friend of mine, who enjoys many of the same things I do...actually she obsesses over the same things I do...things which I won't spew on about at the moment, because once I start...there is no telling when it might end.

I've always wanted to record thoughts,pictures and idea online, but have never found the time and now...i still don't have the time, but i'm not getting any younger and if i don't start now i fear the arthritis will take my joints and I would never be able to meet my goal (or the typing requirement to meet said goal)...just so you know, I don't have arthritis...just percautionary.

Anyway, my birthday is coming up, as is the end of my semester at school (I have 14 days to complete 12,000 assignments) and I thought...hey, now would be a really good time to start that blog I've always wanted to do...becasue I am a procrastinator...that's how I roll.

So it's Easter Weekend and for the first time in my daughter's life she is gearing up for a giant bunny to sneak into our house to bring her chocolate...why is no one else afraid of this story: a) giant bunny (obviously a mutant) b) sneaking (as in NOT invited) c) candy (from stranger)...all bad things that culminate into one sugar addicted, hyperactive, usually screaming that should be a good time had by all.


  1. Oh my god, I'm at work smiling like an idiot --especially because of that towel photo. Totally cracks me up.
    Love this blog
    Boss #1

  2. Love it, Chrissy! I am officially a follower, and am pleased to have played a part in getting you hooked on blogging (oh it will happen, believe me... I have NO TIME and I still manage to blog daily)

    Looking forward to more words of wisdom from you, imminently!

    Happy Easter Weekend, my sweet!
    xo E

  3. Blaine do you seriously think you are boss #1??!!! I think you mean #2 after Sylvie haha. Christina, I love following you, can I become a fan!!

  4. Hi Christina! Thanks for the link to your blog! I am so lazy I don't follow blogs and I am not even on facebook anymore. I tell people I'm too cool for facebook but really I'm just really lazy. So I will try to figure out how to link to your blog - or whatever it is that people do so that they can actually figure out when new stuff is posted and not forget about blogs and instead do laundry.
    xo lena
