Friday, April 23, 2010

It might have been too much...

It was a late start to the day...8:30 to be exact, I got to sleep in because someone called for daddy instead of mummy (bless her heart) and bless daddy for sucking it up.  Managed a run, a long one, with less walking and way more running, it felt made me happy.  It rained and it didn't phase me, I kind of liked it.  Am I ready for my 10K on Sunday...umm...probably not, but hey, I'll give it a shot.

Felt so good that I did an ab workout when I got home, becuase apparently my philosophy is go big or go home...or injure yourself (we'll see).  Then as if that wasn't enough I decided to hit a Moksha class (it was a Karma Class...for charity)...I hurt, although not as bad as I'm going to hurt tomorrow...yikes!

I realize that it might have been too much, but I feel great, so we'll see.  Wish me luck, running soon.



  1. Dont over do it today! GOOD LUCK Love "Da moma"

  2. YOU DID IT! We are both so proud of our little girl, The RUNNER!
