Sunday, April 4, 2010

it was the best of times, it was the worst of was Easter Sunday!

I was told by my mother this morning not to blog, to do my homework instead, so here I am, of course (Erin, can addiction happen so quickly?) Anyway, I apprecitate your advice mum and I'll be done in a minute. God that must be so frustrating for parents, to know what is best for you, their kid and yet have that advice completely and totally, 100% ignored (there is a line however, when advice becomes, well harrassment)...not to worry mum, i'm sure it will come back to me threefold...Sylvie already ignores me.

So today was really the first time that Sylvie was into the myth of (insert mythical/fictional or imaginary creature here). It started early, the moment she woke up she started talking about "looking around"...sadly it took Blaine and I five minutes to figure out what she meant (have I mentioned she is way smarter than us?). I was lounging, of course, when I realized that she was "looking around" for what the EB had left her...oh crap, her basket was only half now I'm madly attempting to get mini eggs and vitamins...yeah, that's right i stuffed her plastic eggs full of her vitamins for the day (they have sugar too you know and seem like a better thing to give children for breakfast...non?).

Eagle Eye Wilkins found the package on the back porch in about three seconds flat and was truly happy to be eating the few mini eggs and vitamins that were in there before 8:30 am. She's sleeping now and aside form a LOT of brownish drool we really had no far....HAPPY EASTER ALL!


  1. Yes, addiction does happen quickly. Welcome to my world!

    Happy Easter to you too! That's good thinking with the vitamins. I'll keep it in mind for next time...

  2. lol dear Sylvie she impresses me eveytime I hear of her!! We just bought Kalel some vitamins and he just chew them and then spit them out!! Great another attempt for mommy to get him his vitamins failed!!!
